Open WebMail Frequently Asked Questions 1. INSTALLATION & STARTUP PROBLEMS 2. LOGIN PROBLEMS 3. RUNTIME ERRORS 4. CONFIGURATION OPTIONS 5. CHANGE PASSWORD 6. READ MESSAGE 7. COMPOSE MESSAGE 8. MAIL FILTERING 9. SEND MESSAGE 10. AUTOREPLY 11. SPELLCHECK 12. CALENDAR 13. SSL RELATED 14. MISC PROBLEMS 15. SPEED TUNING 16. SOME CONCEPT 17. HOW CAN I... ======================================================================== INSTALLATION & STARTUP PROBLEMS ======================================================================== Q: I got "SCRIPT_DIR not set in /etc/openwebmail_path.conf !" error? A: On systems not passing perl script name as $0, openwebmail relies on /etc/openwebmail_path.conf to know the directory it locates. Please put 'the path of your openwebmail cgi directory' in the first line of file /etc/openwebmail_path.conf. For example, if the script is located at /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/openwebmail/, then the content of /etc/openwebmail_path.conf should be: /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/openwebmail Q: I got the script content instead of the openwebmail login screen? I got "You don't have permission to access on this server" error? A: Your apache is not properly configured to execute CGI program. Please edit the httpd.conf for your apache and modify it as follow: AllowOverride All Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all You will notice "Order allow,deny" and "Allow from all" lines are missing in default. Then reload httpd. (thanks to Thomas Chung, ps: If you are using Mandrake: httpd config file is located at /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf httpd reload command is "service httpd reload" If you are using FreeBSD: httpd config file is located at /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf httpd reload command is "/usr/local/sbin/apachectl restart" Q: I got "Internal server error" when running Open WebMail? I got "can not do setuid" error? I got "Software error: Can't locate etc/openwebmail.conf in @INC" error? A: There are many possible answers... 1. Please check if you have installed a complete set of perl 5.005 or above. and You have uncompressed the openwebmail-1.xx.tgz with proper parameter. It should be "tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-1.xx.tgz" 2. Your openwebmail scripts may have wrong owner or mode. The permission of all openwebmail*.pl should be mode=4555 owner=root group=mail 3. Your perl may be compiled with suid ability disabled. a. check if you have a executable of suidperl, then 'chmod 4555 suidperl' b. Or recompile your perl with suid enabled Here are the steps: 1. grab the perl source tar ball 2. sh Configure -de (de means default perl config) 3. edit and set this : d_dosuid='define' d_suidsafe='undef' 4. then make, make install (make suidperl if needed) 5. if you have compiled suidperl, then chmod 4555 suidperl if you don't have suidperl, change #!/usr/bin/suidperl to the path of your perl (thanks to Nemo Kaiser, c. Or use uty/ to generate C wrappers for all suid scripts. Here are the steps: 1. cd cgi-bin/openwebmail 2. perl uty/ /fullpath/cgi-bin/openwebmail 3. change #!/usr/bin/suidperl to the path of your perl All suid scripts will be renamed to and the C wrapper will be generated and named as (thanks to Chris Heegard, ps: If you use the wrappers for the suid scripts on the Solaris, and the spelling check doesn't work not work You may need to recompile your perl with suid enabled instead of using C wrappers. (thanks to Isam Ishaq, 4. The MIME::Base64 or CGI module on your system may be too old a. install MIME-Base64-2.12.tar.gz b. install 5. Please install the libnet-1.0901.tar.gz, this is required since version 1.60. ps: In most cases, you can run the './' in text terminal to get more information about the error. Q: I got "Can't check filesystem of script ./ for nosuid"? A: Your openwebmail may be installed on a filesystem mounted nosuid. Please remove the nosuid parameter from /etc/fstab or install openwebmail to other filesystem. ps: 'man mount' for more information about nosuid Q: I got "Please execute '.../cgi-bin/ --init' on server first!"? A: This is to init the mapping tables used by openwebmail, you need to telnet to your server su root cd the_cgi_bin_dir_for_openwebmail ./ --init Q: I got "Please execute script with full path!" in executing ' --init' with full path? A: This may happens on platforms that run suid scripts through /dev/fd/. Please run the script from where it is located. cd the_dir_of_your_openwebmail_cgi ./ --init Q: I got "Please change the 3 following options in openwebmail.conf...." in executing ' --init' ? A: You may has wrong settings in your openwebmail.conf. Please modify youropenwebmail.conf as openwebmail suggested and don't forget to redo ' --init' again. Q: --init complains the dbm options after I upgrade OS? --init complains the dbm options after I upgrade perl? --init complains the dbm options when I copy openwebmail.conf to another machine?? A: The perl system may use different dbm format depending on what packages have been installed in your server. And these dbm format may be not compatible. To know what dbm packages are used by your perl, please execute: perl uty/ And you will see output like below: ------------------------------------------------------------------ You perl uses the following packages for dbm:: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/ /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach/ The dbm options in openwebmail.conf should be set as follows: dbm_ext .db dbmopen_ext none dbmopen_haslock no ---------------------------------------------------------------------- is a "pure virtual base class", it has nothing of its own. It's just there to inherit from one of the various DBM packages in the following order: NDBM_File, DB_File, GDBM_File, SDBM_File, ODBM_File (you may type 'perldoc AnyDBM_File' to see comparison of these packages) In the above example, the system uses NBDM package for dbm. when you upgrade OS, perl or migrade openwebmail to other machine, you should run on both system to ensure that they use same underlying dbm package. Q: ok, my two machins use different DBM systems, what can I do next? A: you can enforce the new one to use the same dbm package as the old one by putting the 'use' after the 'use strict;' in all openwebmail*pl. then try to run ' --test' to see if the is really used. where is the value you get by running on old machine. ======================================================================== LOGIN PROBLEMS ======================================================================== Q: The login menu showed okay, but I always got login failure? A: Check auth_module option in openwebmail.conf: If it is '', check if $unix_passwdfile_encrypted and $unix_passwdmkdb in are correct If it is '', make sure you have followed the instructions of 'PAM SUPPORT' in readme.txt. If you still got login failure, you can debug the pam module by: 1. modify uncomment all the lines of main::log_time(...) 2. login to openwebmail 3. check the /tmp/openwebmail.debug for more information. ps:If you are running openwebmail under SpeedyCGI, don't forget to do a 'touch openwebmail*pl' after you complete the modification to auth module. Q: It took a long time in the first login? A: Openwebmail has to initialize some mapping tables for future use, it creates these tables in the first successful login, this guarantees that openwebmail creates files only if it is correctly installed. ps:This automatic table initialization has been removed since openwebmail-1.80. The sysadm have to initialize the db by himself explicitly with the command './ --init' Q: It took a long time in every login? A: You probably have wrong settings for option dbm_ext and dbmopen_ext in the openwebmail.conf, please execute uty/ to find correct settings. Q: Openwebmail hangs at every login after I saved the preference in the first time? A: You probably have wrong settings for option dbmopen_haslock in the openwebmail.conf, please execute uty/ to find correct settings. Q: Some of my users login okay, but others don't, why? A: It is possible that you are upgrading from version prior to 1.41 to the newer version. The virtual user support is totally reimplemented. It uses virtusertable instead of genericstable for user mapping now. Please refer to to know how to translate entries in genericstable to virtusertable. Q: Some of my user with invalid shell couldn't login since upgrade to 1.80? A: A new variable $check_shell has been added to the and in 1.80 or above. It is set to 1 by default, which means only users with valid shell can login. Please set it to 0 to skip the valid shell check. ======================================================================== RUNTIME ERRORS ======================================================================== Q: I got "Couldn't open XXX-session-0.370606494136155!" error after login? A: You openwebmail-1.xx.tgz was uncompressed with improper parameter. It should be "tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-1.xx.tgz" Or you can refer to the file permission list in the end of readme.txt ps: you may check the permission cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sessions first, it should be owner=root, group=mail, mode=770 Q: I got "Software error: Can't locate MIME/ in @INC"? A: Please install the MIME-Base64-2.12.tar.gz. Q: I got "Software error: Can't locate Text/ in @INC"? A: Please install the Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz, this is required since openwebmail-1.80 Q: First login was okay and openwebmail told me to setup preference, then I got "Internal Server Error" ? A: You may forget to install Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz, or you may compile Text-Iconv with wrong parameter in Makefile.PL. Please check readme.txt with keyword Text-Iconv to see if any special modification is required for your platform Q: First login was okay and I can setup preference without problem, then I got "Couldn't get write lock on INBOX!" immediately ? A: You may have wrong setting for option mailspooldir in openwebmail.conf Q: I got "Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /xxx/ line yyy" error ? A: The line you got error should be inside the sub routine tie_hash_or_array. Please find the following comment line in # make recno in Berkeley DB version 2 work like recno in version 1 And add the following line just before the above line: $arg[3] = 0666 unless defined $arg[3] ; (thanks to Paul Marquess, and Q: I got "can't open /var/log/openwebmail.log" error? A: Please check the openwebmail.log permission, it should be owner=root, group=mail, mode=660 ps: If you get this error periodicly and your are using Mandrake Linux, You may have to move the logfile somewhere else. The Mandrake's (8.2 and 9.0) security system periodically scans the /var/log directory and changes ownerships/permissions. (thanks to Karl Schricker, Q: I got "Software error: ndbm store returned -1, errno 49, ..."? A: The user may exceed his quota limit on the file system. Please remove unwanted files or increase the quota for user. Q: My SENT folder shows -1 or other negative message size rather then regular message size? A: This problem occurs if you installed Open WebMail on the same partition where quota is enabled. Open WebMail uses temp files in cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sessions folders. Solution is to move sessions folder to another partition with no Quota. Please read RedHat-README.txt for detailed explanation on setting up this, since this problem mostly occurs on RedHat Linux 6.2 and bellow. (thanks to Emir Litric, Q: I got "db warning - msg xxx index missing in INBOX" in log? What does this mean? A: It may have two possible meanings. 1. Your message is moved to other folder by the openwebmail filter module While openwebmail always maintains the index consistent with the folder content, openwebmail only calls the mailfilter in the following two condition: a. before browsing the message list of a folder b. before reading a message of the INBOX If a message(aaa) matching the filter rule comes to INBOX folder, this message will become the neighbor of one of the existing messages(bbb) in the index db. If the user is reading message bbb, then aaa will become the target linked by the right or left arrows in the bottom of the readmessage webpage. Now if user clicks the arrow for next page, you will get the db index missing error since the message(aaa) is moved to other folder by the filter before being accessed.. 2. Your message is removed by other pop3/imap client. Do you use outlook and openwebmail at the same time? Q: I got "db warning - msg yyy index inconsistence in INBOX" in the log? Does it mean my message were lost? A: No, you message were not lost, it just means the index db was not reflecting the newest state of your mail folder, openwebmail did the reindex automatically after logging this message. Q: I got "Your request didn't contain the proper session ID cookie -- access denied!" error? A: Please enable the cookie function of your browser. Or you can set the option session_checkcookie to 'no' to disable the check of cookie in openwebmail, but this may put the user session in danger that it could be hijacked by others. Q: I got "Your request didn't come from the same ip of this session -- access denied!" error? A: The client may access the webmail server through a gateway which may dynamicly change it IP address, please set the option session_checksameip to 'no' to disable the IP check. Q: My openwebmail was okay, but I got "Your request didn't contain the proper session ID cookie -- access denied!" in these days? A: Openwebmail puts user uploaded attachments in cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sessions/ temporarily. User will get error if there is no space left on the partition where cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sessions/ lives or user has exceeded his disk quota. Please move cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sessions to a larger partition with diskquota disabled, then create a symbolic link to that new directory cd /new_place mkdir sessions chmod 770 sessions chown 0 sessions chgrp mail sessions cd yourweb_cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/ rm -Rf sessions ln -s /new_place/sessions . Q: I got 'Couldn't get read lock on ....' error? 'Couldn't get write lock on ....' error? A: If the error message appears immediately after you submit the CGI request, then it may be due to the user doesn't has enough prvivledge to lock the file or the directory for the file even doesn't exist. If the error message appears after the cgi request submittion for more than 30 seconds, then the folder openwebmail want to access may be locked by other process. Most of the time, it is due to the concurrent accesses to the folder by other mail client through the pop3/imap daemons. This is okay, just back to previous page and try again. To know where the error happend exactly, you may try to set option error_with_debuginfo to yes in openwebmail.conf. This would give you more detailed information in case openwebmailerror() happens. If you always got the lock error and be sure it's not caused by pop3/imap, you may try to debug the filelock in the following steps: 1. install the 'lsof' utility on your system (lsof is available at 2. cd your_web/cgi-bin/openwebmail patch < uty/ 3. step 2 will turn the filelock routine in to a version special for debugging, the debug output will be written to /tmp/openwebmail.debug 4. login into openwebmail and do some operation that will cause lock error, then check /tmp/openwebmail.debug for further information 5. Finally, don't forget to do 'patch < uty/' again to reverse back to the original state. ======================================================================== CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ======================================================================== Q: The 'From' field of my message contained only 'username@'? A: You may has wrong setting for option domainnames in openwebmail.conf please list all domainnames separated with comma, or use auto for this setting, openwebmail will use the hostname in the url or call '/bin/hostname' to get the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of your host. Q: The domainname detected by openwebmail is not what I want, how can I specified the outgoing mail domain for all my users? A: Please set the domainnames option in openwebmail.conf from 'auto' to the domainname you want. Multiple domainnames can be specified only if separated by comma Q: How can I use LDAP to authenticate user in openwebmail? A: You have 2 ways to do this: 1. use the written by Ivan Cerrato, 2. use auth_pam module and let pam to talk with ldap server. Below is an article posted at sourceforge by ( ---------------- begin ---------------- I hope this is useful to someone: I was able to get openwebmail to authenticate using ldap/pam on a system with Redhat 7.1, pam_ldap135, and OpenLDAP 2.0.18. In openwebmail.conf ~ auth_module In ~ my $pam_servicename="openwebmail"; my $pam_passwdfile_plaintext="/etc/passwd"; vi /etc/pam.d/openwebmail: #%PAM-1.0 auth required /lib/security/ auth sufficient /lib/security/ account required /lib/security/ account sufficient /lib/security/ That's it. LDAP users will authenticate with the pam_ldap module and system users with pam_unix. ---------------- end ---------------- Q: How can I use multiple virtual domains with openwebmail? A: First, you have to decide whether to use real virtual hosting or just user alias. 1. The User Alias User alias is much simpler, your system is actually a one domain machine. You only have to define the user alias in virtusertable. For example, you have 1 real domain and 2 virtual domain, for your server. You already have tom and john on this server. And now you want 2 more tom and john for each virtual domain. Define the following entries in your virtusertable will make it. tom1 tom2 john1 john2 And how these users are used? If the user logins as tom and the webmail url is then alias will be matched, real user tom1 will be used. If the user logins as tom and the webmail url is then alias will be matched, real user tom2 will be used. If the user logins as tom and the webmail url is then real user tom will be authenticated. If the user logins as, then no matter what the url is, the alias will be matched, user tom1 will be used. In the user alias mapping, users of different virtualdomains are actually mapped to the real domain and then passed to same authentication module. 2. Real Virtual Hosting The real virtual hosting means your system is configured to a multiple domain machine in either smtpd, pop3d, webmail and authentication module. You will need to use the per domain config file in openwebmail for each of your virtual domain. These config files will be loaded based on 1. the domainname part in loginname, or 2. the hostname in the url of the webmail ps: You may need to use the domainname_equiv option to ensure no matter which domainname is used by user or in URL, they will be mapped to a consistent one. For example: If the user login as tom and the webmail url is, config file for will be loaded If the user login as tom and the webmail url is, config file for will be loaded If the user logins as, then no matter what the url is, config file for will be loaded Each domain can have its own set of options in its config file, including domainname, authentication module, quota limit, mailspooldir ... A more detailed example is described in the Kevin Ellis's webpage: "How to setup virtual users on Open WebMail using Postfix & vm-pop3d" Q: The default mail domain for my user is always wrong, how can I set it? A: To have openwebmail find the correct mail domain for the user, you'd give it some hint. For example, if the webmail url is, and you want the email for tom to be You can achieve this in either the following 2 ways: 1. create per user config file etc/users.conf/tom and set option domainnames to 2. create per domain config file etc/sites.cof/ and set option domainnames to While 1 is only for the user tom, the method 2 has effect for all users who logins with the url Q: I want to change not only the domainname part but also the username part of the default email address? A: You can use the virtusertable or the per user config file 1. virtusertable: One or more email address can be defined in virtusertable for same user, all those email addresses will be used as the default email address for that user 2. per user config file: You can set the default_fromemails option in the per user config file. Multiple default email addresses can be specified only if you separate them with comma. ps: While virtusertable is convenient in setting default email addresses for many users, per user config file let sysadm control many properties for a specific user. Q: How can I disallow the user to set their from email address? A: set option enable_setfromemail to 'no' in either openwebmal.conf or per user config. Q: Can I install openwebmail without iconv() support? A: Yes, you may copy the uty/ over the, which doesn't use iconv() at all but still support charset conversion for Chinese and Japanese. Q: Can I setup mail account for user without creating the unix account? A: Yes, you need postfix + vm-pop3d + openwebmail. Kevin Ellis( has made a webpage for this, it is available at Q: I have set openwebmail for virtual user with vm-pop3d, but I got "Sorry, root login is disabled for security's sake" at login? A: Please check the descriptions in and find which case you are using. If you are using case b, don't forget to set the $local_uid to the uid used by your vm-pop3d for all virtual users. ps: We suggest you use the for system running vm-pop3d+postfix Please refer to descriptions in for more detail. ======================================================================== CHANGE PASSWORD ======================================================================== Q: The login is okay, but I can't change by my password with openwebmail? A: There are 2 possible answers for this: 1. Your passwdfile is not local accessible. If you use for authentication and your $unix_passwdfile_encrypted is not a local accessible file (ex: examples in that are terminated with |), the changepassword feature won't be available. In these cases, you have to use to get the changepassword to work. 2. Your system doesn't support saved set-user-ID, so openwebmail won't get enough privilege to change the passwd file. Try to set savedsuid_support to 'no' in openwebmail.conf to solve this problem. 3. The authentication module which you used doesn't support password changing, ex: Q: I use openwebmail with NIS/YP system, the user can login but can not change their password? A: The NIS/YP password can not be changed with, you need to use the as the authentication module. ======================================================================== READ MESSAGE ======================================================================== Q: Everything seems be fine at the beginning, but if I tried to open a message after a period of time, the content of other message was showed instead of the one I clicked? A: This is due to a bug of tell() in perl 5.8. And RedHat 8.0 bundles Perl 5.8 by default. Please upgrade your openwebmail to 1.81 or higher. And you should try to find a bug fix for your perl since other applications written by perl may operate improperly due to this bug Q: Some mails were not displayed right.... A: please check to see if any update fixes your problem and download the openwebmail-current.tgz ======================================================================== COMPOSE MESSAGE ======================================================================== Q: I could not add attachments? Open WebMail was hanged when I pressed the 'add' button to add attachments? A: 1. Your CGI or MIME-Base64 module may be too old, Please download and MIME-Base64-2.12.tar.gz in and install them to your system. 2. Your proxy may limit the size of a POST request. Try to add attachments with no proxy setting in your browser. If you are the administrator of the squid proxy server, please set the request_body_max_size option to a larger value. Q: Attachments disappeared when I forwarded a message? A: Check permission of the following directories cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc - owner=root, group=mail, mode=755 cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sessions - owner=root, group=mail, mode=770 cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/users - owner=root, group=mail, mode=770 Q: The permission of cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc is correct but attachments still disappeared in message forwarding? A: Hmmm, please upgrade to the latest version. Some very old version(1.03,1.04) has little problem in attachment handling. Q: I can not choose to compose HTML messages? A: The HTML editor requires 1. IE5.5+ on windows platform, or 2. Mozilla 1.3b+ on all platforms Q: The InserImage, InsertTable popup window don't show with correct charset? A: This mostly happens with apache web server 2.0 or later. Please edit your Apache Configuration file, replace AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1 with AddDefaultCharset off Q: The InserImage, InsertTable popup window still show with correct charset after I set AddDefaultCharset to off? A: This is due to the web page cache of your browser. Please clean the cache of your browser and try again. ======================================================================== MAIL FILTERING ======================================================================== Q: Some of my messages were moved to trash folder automatically? A: Your messages were either filtered by 'global filter rule', 'faked smtp filter', 'faked from filter' or 'faked exe contenttype filter'. Global filter will filter messages with know virus attachments. The global filter rules are defined in the file global_filterbook (global_filterbook is defined as %ow_etcdir%/global_filterbook in openwebmail.conf.) The 'faked smtp filter' will filter messages that have a faked smtp source, those messages are often from spammers. The 'faked from filter' will filter messages whose From: field is different than the email address in the SMTP envelope address, those messages are often generated from virus. The 'faked exe contenttype filter' will filter messages that have executable attachment with faked contenttype, eg: audio, midi... These messages are often generated by viruses, the browser will download the attachment because its contenttype is audio and then execute the downloaded file because it file extension is exe/com/bat/scr/pif/lnk. The three faked xxx filters are default disabled and the default can be changed in openwebmail.conf. The user can also enable/disable it in the user preference. Q: What are "messages with faked smtp"? A: In short, they are messages coming from mail servers that fake their name from other machines. Where is a message coming from? A message sent from machine A to machine B may have 2 cases: a. A ---> M1 ---> M2 ---> B (M1, M2 are mail servers) In this case, openwebmail use M1 as the from server. Since most of the time, A is windows machine using outlook. b A -------------------> B In this case, openwebmail use A as the from server. How do we know if a from server fakes his name? Each host may have 3 names in the mail header: $byas - name used by this server when saying hello to incoming connection $relay - name used by this server when relaying mail through other host $connectfrom - ip and name detected by other hosts resolved from DNS system when receiving connection from this server A from host is faking his name if a. $byas doesn't equal to $relay, and b. $connectfrom doesn't equal to $relay, and c. $connectfrom has different domain than the destitution server B, and d. $connectfrom is not private IP Q: I still want the filtered messages, how can I disable faked smtp filter and faked exe contenttype filter completely? A: 1. Set default_filter_fakedsmtp and default_filter_fakedexecontenttype to 'no' in openwebmail.conf. This will turn off the two filter for all newly created user 2. Uncheck the faked smtp filter and faked exe contenttype filter option in user preference. This will disable the two filters for a specific user Q: Some of my messages disappeared? A: Your messages my be removed by the delmail_ifquota feature. Q: How does the delmail_ifquotahit option work? Which message will be removed first? A: It will clean trash and draft first, then remove oldest messages in other folders. The removal will stop if the quota size is download to the 90% of user quota limit. ps:The messages in INBOX and user defined folders will be removed only if these folders occupy the majority of the mailfolder space. Please refer to routine cutfolders in for detail Q: There were strange characters in the mail filter menu and those rules could not be deleted? A: This is due to the dbmopen() of your perl didn't add the ".db" extension automatically, so the ~/ and its index were written to the same file. This problem can be fixed by properly setting option dbm_ext and dbmopen_ext. To find the correct setting for the two options: perl cgi-bin/openwebmail/uty/ [enter] and you will get output like this: dbm_ext .db dbmopen_ext none dbmopen_haslock no Then put the three lines into your openwebmail.conf. ======================================================================== SEND MESSAGE ======================================================================== Q: Most functions work fine, but I could not send message. I got "Can't locate Net/ in @INC ..." error? I got "Internal server error"? A: Please install the libnet-1.0901.tar.gz, this is required since openwebmail 1.60. Q: I am sure the sendmail was running up on my mail server, but I got "Couldn't open SMTP server" error when sending messages? A: Your sendmail may be configured to listen on the server_ip:25 only, it didn't listen on You can either a. override the option smtpserver in openwebmail.conf and set it to your server_ip b. modify the and find the following line O DaemonPortOptions=Port=smtp,Addr=x.x.x.x, Name=MTA (where x.x.x.x is the server_ip) Please change the x.x.x.x to to make sendmail listen on all IPs binding on the server network interfaces. Q: I still got the "Couldn't open SMTP server" error? A: Please check the permission of your /etc/protocols and /etc/services, it should be 0644. (-rw-r--r--) Q: I got 'Sorry, there was a problem sending your message' error? A: a. Please check if smtpserver option in openwebmail.conf points to valid SMTP server, its default is ''. If you set it to name of some other SMTP server, please be sure the SMTP server allows mails relayed from your host. b. When SMTP server is set to, please be sure the hosts.allow has the following entry sendmail : localhost : allow Q: Does openwebmail support SASL authentication on SMTP? A: Yes, but only the PLAIN type authentication is supported. The username/password will be encoded with base64, so it is not very secure. To enable the SASL authentication: 1. set option smtpauth to yes in openwebmail.conf 2. set the smtpauth_username, smtpauth_password in smtpauth.conf ======================================================================== AUTOREPLY ======================================================================== Q: The autoreply function doesn't work? A: An incoming message won't be replied by if 1. the destinated username has entries defined in /etc/alias which causes the mail routed to another account without calling 2. the destinated username doesn't not appear as an recipient in To: or Cc: 3. this message is sent by the destinated username himself If your message is not in the above 3 cases, please be sure that vacationinit and vacationpipe in openwebmail.conf have pointed to the path where the vacation program is. If the path is correct, you can do debug with the -d option 1. add the '-d' parameter to the vacationpipe in openwebmail.conf like below vacationpipe /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ -d -t60s 2. choose a user, enable his autoreply in openwebmail user preference 3. check the ~user/.forward file, the '-d' option should appear after 4. send a message to this user to test the autoreply 5. check the /tmp/vacation.debug for possible error information Q: When I enable autoreply feature, others get "Returned mail: see transcript for details" instead of my autoreply message? A: Your sendmail may be configured with Sendmail Restricted SHell or smrsh. file needs to be added to smrsh. If you are using RedHat 7.1, you may link to /etc/smrsh/ cd /etc/smrsh ln -s /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ /etc/smrsh/ (thanks to Emir Litric, ======================================================================== SPELLCHECK ======================================================================== Q: When I clicked 'spell check' button, I got "Internal Server error" in new window? A: 1. Please be sure that you have installed ispell-3.1.20.tar.gz 2. If you are using C wrappers for suid scripts on Solaris, please recompile you perl with suid enabled instaed of using the C wrappers. (thanks to Isam Ishaq, Q: Ispell has been correctly installed, but spellcheck still doesn't work? A: The spellcheck in old version of openwebmail doesn't work on RedHat 7.x, please upgrade your openwebmail to the latest version. Q: Why is a suid root program? A: Because it needs to read the preference file, ~/mail/.openwebmailrc, of different users to get their language and dictionary setting. ======================================================================== CALENDAR ======================================================================== Q: Everything works fine, but I got timeout when clicking the calendar button? A: Please check your apache error log if it has lines like below: [...] Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line xxx. If yes, please search the RUNTIME ERROR section with keyword Q: The email notification for calendar event doesn't work? A: You need to use in crontab to check the calendar events for sending the notification emails. For example: 0 */2 * * * /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ -a -n -q The above line will use to check the calendar events for all users every two hours. Please note we use this frequency because the default value of option calendar_email_notifyinterval is 120 (minute). You have to set the crontab according to your calendar_email_notifyinterval. ======================================================================== SSL RELATED ======================================================================== Q: Can I use openwebmail with SSL? A: yes. just https:// instead of http:// for the URL of webmail Q: I got "site not found" or "could not connect to the server" error? A: Yes, openwebmail can work with SSL. The error is due to IE doesn't do keepalives correctly when using SSL. Please add the following line to your Apache configuration for SSL (or VirtualHost container) SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown (thanks to Happy Camper, Q: Can I use openwebmail with SSL on multiple virtual domains on one server? A: Since apache only allow SSL for one virtual domain, you can have only one https url. To use virtual domain other than the one specified in https, you have to specify the virtual domain in URL when link to login webpage (thanks to for his code) ======================================================================== MISC PROBLEMS ======================================================================== Q: The DayLight Saving option in user preference doesn't work, messages in folders still have wrong date in folderlist view? A: This is due to those messages were parsed at the time that DST option was set to wrong value, the problem could be solved by 1. set DST to auto 2. goto folder management 3. choose 'recreate index' for your folders. ps:This could be quite time-consuming if you have large folder, you may do it with in background. Q: Is the 'filename search' in webdisk case sensitive or case insensitive? A: If the 'find' command in your unix supports -iname, the search will be case insensitive. Or it will be case sensitive. Q: Why the 'content search' in webdisk searches files in current directory only? A: The file content search is done with the unix command 'grep'. If the 'grep' in your unix supports -r, the search will search current directory and all its sub directories recursively. Or it will search files in current directory only. Q: The ssh terminal in openwebmail supports SSH1 only? A: Yes. The ssh terminal support in openwebmail is actually done with the MindTerm package from The bundled MindTerm is 1.21, which is the latest GPLed release but quite old. You may install MindTerm version 2.3.1 from, which supports both SSH1 and SSH2. Please refer to data/openwebmail/applet/mindterm2/INSTALL.MINDTERM2 for more detail. ======================================================================== SPEED TUNING ======================================================================== Q: Will it speedup the login if the GNU copyright page is removed? A: The GNU copyright page should be displayed for less than 1 second. if you see it for a very long time after you login, then openwebmail is busy in processing your INBOX folder (eg: mail indexing, filtering, trash cleaning..) Q: My openwebmail is slow, how can I make it faster? A: You may try to use Open WebMail with the SpeedyCGI package, you will get about 5x-10 speedup. Please refer to the readme.txt with keyword SpeedyCGI for more detail. Q: How SpeedyCGI speeds up Open WebMail? A: SpeedyCGI makes Open WebMail resident in memory at the first request, then the following requests will be served immediately without the overhead of starting perl CGI. This resident copy will terminate if it is idle for a certain time, the default is 3600 seconds (1 hour) You can set this with -t option in the Open WebMail scripts. eg: #!/usr/bin/speedy -T -- -t7200 Q: Will the resident Open Webmail become larger and larger and finally a memory hog? A: No. We have tried our best to remove any memory leak from Open WebMail. And a resident CGI will be restarted after it has serverd certain number of requests. The default maxrun number is 500. You can set this with -r option in the Open WebMail scripts. eg: #!/usr/bin/speedy -T -- -t7200 -r250 Q: Some files of name like 'speedy.10.0.50.S' appear in my system /tmp? A: They are the temporary files used by speedy and its backend program. Please don't remove them. If you hope to put them in other location, You can set the prefix of temporary files with -T option eg: #!/usr/bin/speedy -T -- -t7200 -r250 -T/var/tmp/.speedy Q: Open WebMail is fast when it is resident in memory, but the firsttime startup delay is still long, is it possible to hide that delay from user? A: You can use the script to preload openwebmail scripts, so the webmail user won't see the startup delay. 1. through web interface http://your_server/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ Please refer to for default password and how to change it. 2. through command line or you can put the following line in crontab to preload the most frequently used scripts into mempry 0 * * * * /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ -q If your machine has a lot of memory, you may choose to preload all openwebmail scripts 0 * * * * /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ -q --all Q: I got "connect error" when using A: The tries to connect the webmail server on localhost. Please check if your webserver is binding on localhost or change the variable $httphost in Q: How do I know if my Open WebMail is running under SpeedyCGI? A: 1. Goto the user preference and click the 'about' button, if you see word 'Persistence' appear in the line of webmail, then your openwebmail is running under SpeedyCGI 2. Check the top of webmail page window border, if you see a '+' appear after the 'Open WebMail' string, then the page is generated under SpeedyCGI. Q: I saw a HTTP compression checkbox in login screen, what is it used for? A: When it is checked, web pages generated by Open WebMail will be transmitted in gzip compressed format, this greatly reduces the time required for page download. This is very useful for users with slow connection. An rough experiment showed that the compressed format is about only 10% in size compared with he original web page. Q: I could not check the HTTP compression checkbox, it is always disabled? A: The HTTP compression feature won't be available if any one of the three components (web server, web proxy, web browser) doesn't support HTTP compression. To enable the HTTP compression support: 1. Please install the Compress-Zlib-1.21.tar.gz on openwebmail server 2. Please enable "HTTP 1.1 support for direct connection" in your browser 3. If your connect to openwebmail server through proxy server, please enable "HTTP 1.1 support over proxy" in your browser. 4. If the proxy server doesn't support HTTP 1.1, please list your openwebmail server in exclusion table of proxy setting in your browser. Q: How do I know if my Open WebMail is running with HTTP compression enabled? A: 1. Goto the user preference and click the 'about' button, if you see word 'HTTP Compression' appear in the line of webmail, then your openwebmail is running with HTTP compression enabled 2. Check the top of webmail page window border, if you see a 'z' appear after the 'Open WebMail' string, then the page is generated with HTTP compression enabled. Q: Openwebmail uses lot of static images. How can I avoid them being loaded frequently? How can I entend the cache expire time for the static images? A: Most web servers will set expire time in http header for static objects based on their file date and the time the files are accessed. If you would like to set the expire time explicitly: Please add the following line to the end of your Apache configuration ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/gif A86400 ExpiresByType image/png A86400 ExpiresByType image/jpg A86400 ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A86400 The above lines set an expire time to one day for jpg, gif, png and javascript files under openwebmail from the time they are accessed. ps: Don't forget to change the above /usr/local/www/data/openwebmail to where your openwebmail data locates. Q: Any other way to get more speedup? A: You may try the thttpd at, here are some words from their web site :) "thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server" "It also has a very small run-time size, since it does not fork and is very careful about memory allocation. " "In typical use it's about as fast as the best full-featured servers (Apache, NCSA, Netscape). Under extreme load it's much faster." Please refer to doc/thttpd.txt for some installation tips. ======================================================================== SOME CONCEPT ======================================================================== Q: What will happen at webmail server if I click the stop key in browser? A: When the stop key is pressed, the browser will close its connection to the httpd on webmail server. While httpd detects this immediately, what will httpd do to the CGI process is implementation dependent. Basiclly, httpd will close the pipes to CGI process and terminate the CGI process. Below is our observation on apache 1.3.26 on FreeBSD. The apache httpd won't terminate nor close the connection to the CGI process until the CGI process sends output to its stdout. This gives the chance to CGI process to finish its job in a more graceful way. When httpd receives some data from CGI process stdout (which actually pipes to stdin of httpd), the httpd will send a 'TERM' signal to CGI process, close the pipes to CGI process, then kill the CGI process. The situation is a little bit different if the CGI program is running with SpeedyCGI. From the point of view of httpd, the speedycgi frontend is the CGI process, so the frontend will be terminated it as the above when speedy front tries to pass the data coming from the real CGI process forked by speedy_backend. When the speedy_backend detects the termination of the speedy frontend, it will close the pipes to the real CGI process, but won't send TERM signal to it nor kill it. In both case (without or with speedycgi), the CGI process will get a signal PIPE if it tries to output data to stdout after the related pipe has been closed. Now, what openwebmail do with this? Since version 2.00, all stdout output code has been move to the end of the request processing in openwebmail, this the data being processed will be always in a complete state. Q: How is the domain of a login user determined? A: It is determined in the following order(the earlier one has higher precedence) 1. from the login name eg: the user logined with username@virtualdomain 2. from the parameter 'logindomain' specified in login page url eg: the login page was linked with http://server/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ 3. from the servername specified in the login page url eg: the login page was linked with http://virtualdomain/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ Q: How does the delfile_ifquotahit option work? Which file will be removed first? A: It will remove the oldest files or direcotries under the webdiskrootdir (webdiskrootdir is default to / of user homedir, but you can change it). The removal will stop if the quota size is download to the 90% of user quota limit. Q: What is the difference between 'Forward', 'ForwardAsAtt', 'ForwardAsOrig' A: If A send msg1 to B, and B forward this msg as msg2 to B forward: the subject of msg2 will be the subject of msg1 with a prefix "Fw:". msg2 will have all attachments and content of msg1, and headers of msg1 will be put into the body msg2 as content forwardasatt: the subject of msg2 will be the subject of msg1 with a prefix "Fw:". msg2 body will be empty and the raw format of msg1 will be become an attachment of msg2. forwardasorig: the subject, body and attachments of msg2 will exactly the same as msg1. the replyto header of msg2 will be set to A. So in case C replies the msg2, the reply will go back to A Q: When I checked 'edit folder menu', I found some folders were empty but took disk space? A: The disk space occupied by a folder shown in 'edit folder menu' includes the size of a folder and its index. Though folder is empty, the folder index still has some data structure to maintain. ======================================================================== HOW CAN I... ======================================================================== Q: How can I move old messages in my mail client into openwebmail folders? A: a. If your mail client program supports IMAP and your mail server has imapd installed, you may move old messages in the mail client to remote folders on mail server through the IMAP protocol. Be sure to put the folders under ~/mail so openwebmail can find them automatically. b. Some mail client stores or can export messages into unix mbox format folder file.(eg: Eudora) You can just upload the mbox file to the ~/mail/ and openwebmail will find them automatically. ps: If your folder file is in dos text format, you may need use the following command to stripe out the \r at each end of line. perl -pi -e "s/\r\n/\n/" folderfile Q: How can I upgrade from old version of Open Webmail? A: Each version of openwebmail is made to be backward compatible with old ones, no user setting or mail message will be lost after upgrade. The upgrade steps: 1. make a copy of your old openwebmail.conf 2. install new openwebmail in the same location as old version 3. update the new openwebmail.conf with the setting in old one. Q: How can I report problem? A: If your Open WebMail doesn't work, please post your problem on openwebmail forum with the following information OS Perl Version your openwebmail.conf the ls -l of the perl executable used in your the ls -l of your cgi-bin/openwebmail and cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc the ls -la of the ~user/mail/ the error message in your browser the error message in your http server error log you browser name & version do you enable speedycgi? do you set any proxy server in browser? If your Open WebMail works but it shows strange output for some messages, please forward the message as an attachment to us ( ps: clicking the 'forward as attachment' icon in message reading menu Q: How can I debug the Open WebMail by myself? A: First, you can try to set option error_with_debuginfo to yes in openwebmail.conf. This would give you more detailed information in case openwebmailerror() happens. Second, if you want to have a stack trace of how openwebmail is running, you may use the uty/ to add debugging code to openwebmail scripts 1. cd cgi-bin/openwebmail/ 2. perl uty/ *pl Then use openwebmail as normal, all sub routine calls will be logged into /tmp/openwebmail.debug with timestamp. It should be helpful in debugging. While you finish the debugging, you have to use uty/ to remove debugging code from those scripts 1. cd cgi-vin/openwebmail/ 2. perl uty/ *pl Q: Can I specify the composemessage menu as the openwebmail default? A: You can call the openwebmail with url http://server/ Q: Can I specify the calendar month view as the openwebmail default? A: You can call the openwebmail with url http://server/ Q: Can I specify the calendar day view as the openwebmail default? A: You can call the openwebmail with url http://server/ Q: Can I specify the webdisk as the openwebmail default? A: You can call the openwebmail with url http://server/ Q: Can I call openwebmail from my programs with username/password specified? A: this is a little dangerous since the loginname and password will be displayed on the URL line of the user's browser. You can call the openwebmail with url http://server/ or even with action specified http://server/ Q: Can I get the mail/event status of a user before he logins openwebmail? How can I get the username before user really types it? A: If a user has ever successfully logined into openwebmail, the loginname will be stored to cookie "openwebmail-loginname" at the browser side. The following CGI script demonstrates how to use this information. ----------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(-private_tempfiles :standard); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $info; my $loginname = cookie("openwebmail-loginname"); if ($loginname ne "") { $info=`/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ -m -e $loginname`; } print $info; ------------------------------------------ Q: I already have a web application which would do authentication for user, how can I integrate openwebmail with it so the user doesn't need to login again when click the openwebmail link? A: All you have to do is to write a very simple which checks if a user have already logined on your web application through server session file or cookies. And the link to call the should be http:/xxxx/ Q: How can I setup IE to trigger Open WebMail compose window when I click a "mailto:someone@somehost" link? How can I set Open Webmail as the default mail client? A: In Windows Explorer, if you go to Tools -> Folder Options, click on the File Types tab. In the window that appears, scroll down the list to the entry for "URL:MailTo Protocol". Highlight URL:MailTo and click edit. Choose to edit the action for open. By default it probably has a command to open Outlook Express (or your default email client). Change the Application to read: "C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" http://your_server/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ This will make Windows open Internet Explorer and go directly to the .pl page and login with the specified user and pass. (Thanks to Mike Andrews, If you hope to goto the compose window directly with the email address put in the To field, please use the following open string instead "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://your_server/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ (Thanks to Sergiy Zubatiy, Q: How can I set an alias/redirection/link to the openwebmail script so users can use openwebmail with a shorter url? A: Please create a file, index.html, like below. Either a or b is okay. Then put this index.html to the location mapped by the url you want. a. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- b. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ps: An example redirect html is available at the data/openwebmail/redirect.html Q: Can I install openwebmail without root privilege? A: Yes, try the Some information is available in it. Q: Can Open WebMail be used with mod_perl? A: No, the most reason is mod_perl can't be used for setuid program. But Open Webmail works great in persistent mode with SpeedyCGI. It is very fast too. Q: Does Open WebMail support maildir and vpop3mail user by Qmail? A: No, It doesn't. Q: Will Open WebMail support maildir and vpop3mail used by Qmail? A: Maybe, but it won't be implemented in the near future since we don't use qmail on our mail server. It is said that qmail has a 'mbox' compatible mode, you may use that mode with openwebmail. Q: Can Openwebmail do xxx function or have yyy control option? A: The best way to know all features of openwebmail is to check the cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/ Please check it. Q: Can I use Open WebMail in a commercial web site? A: Yes. Open WebMail is GPLed software (please see copyright.txt for detail of GPL). You can distribute/use/modify/sell it freely ONLY IF a. The GPL Copyright page must be kept untouched. b. Any improvement of Open WebMail or any product based on Open WebMail must be released to the public for free in source form if it is not for internal use. c. Products based on Open Webmail must be also distributed under GPL. 05/21/2003